Author: Ken Stephens
In September of 2008 I lost my job as a long distance truck driver due to a chronic back injury. And of course, no job, no income. But the bills kept coming, oh yes the bills never stopped. Anyway, after about 2 weeks of lying around the house, banging my head off the walls, and annoying my wife, I started searching the Internet for some kind of opportunity where I could make some money online. My wife works as a nurse and we had some money saved, but without my income we were going to be hurting financially and fast! Did I mention the bills? Well, one night I was online doing a little surfing and to tell you the truth, I wasn't even looking for ways to make money. I was just surfing along on the net clicking this and clicking that, not really paying attention to anything in particular, and up popped an IPC website. At first, I thought it was just another one of those fishy websites that try to gyp people out of money. But I took a closer look because something on that website caught my eye. What caught my eye, was the picture of a man. Yea, the guy on the website... that guy on the website... I think know that guy! Or at least I thought I did, he looked really familiar. Just to let you know, the old IPC websites (they have since been updated) used to have a picture of a man in a tux on the front page, and he was holding out a wad of cash in his hand. It was as if he was saying, "Hey you, come here and take this money! Come on grab it!". That guy looks a lot like someone I used to know. But it turned out, I really didn't know the guy at all, I had just been up all day, it was 2 am and I had about 20 cups of coffee in me. I had a really wicked coffee buzz going that night.I guess it was fate or destiny (or 20 cups of coffee), call it what you want. Whatever it was, it made me stop and take a closer look at that website, and curiousity got the better of me, so I decided to do a little investigating. I Googled IPC to see if I could get some "dirt" on it. I figured that when I put IPC into the "Google info grinder", it would crumble like a cookie. Sure enough, when I saw the page Google brought back, my eyes were immidiately drawn to a headline that had the word "SCAM" in it, in big bold letters. On that entire page, the word "scam" was the first thing I noticed. And I thought to myself, "Ok IPC game over. You're busted pal. You're history!" But I clicked on the link anyway, prepared to read all kinds of stuff telling me how IPC was a scam, and IPC was a fraud, and how, if you put any money into it you would be the biggest butthead to ever fall off the turnip truck (or however that saying goes). But what I found instead, was an article written by an IPC member saying that IPC was in fact, not a scam. It was actually making money for him. I think the headline of that article went something like: "Can IPC Make Money Online Or Is It A SCAM?" I can't remember all the details of that article, but the gist of it was, IPC was working for him and it would work for almost anybody if they would just take advantage of the techniques it puts forward.
I call that guy "the IPC guy" now. When the IPC guy wrote that headline he was employing a very clever marketing tactic to get his article noticed and get more traffic to his website. Let's face it, that's the goal of any online marketing plan, right? Hey it worked on me. He hooked me like a big old suckerfish. Let's see if I can expand on that a bit. What the IPC guy knew when he wrote that headline is, that most people want their ideas to be backed up. Right or wrong, most people want their opinions to be reinforced. In other words, most people want to see their beliefs corroborated, whether their beliefs are true or not. It's just human nature. So in placing the word "scam" in his headline, the IPC guy knew that he would draw more attention to his article because most people do believe that online money making opportunities do not work, and even if it's just in the back of their minds, they want to see confirmation of that belief. As a result, they are more inclined to click the link with the word "scam" in it to get reassurance of a conclusion they have already drawn (that online money making opportunities are scams). Wow, my brain really hurts now. I think I need an aspirin. Did that make sense? I hope so.Bottom line is, I clicked the link and got involved with The IPC Program and through that, IPC Instant Cash and I'm glad I did. As I told you before, I was unemployed and searching for something to bring in some extra cash for my wife and me. Now don't get me wrong, IPC hasn't made us rich. But it has given us some breathing room, it has paid some bills, and it has allowed us to go out on the town now and then. It is not a scam. You do get a complete system with both the IPC Program and IPC Instant Cash. Both programs include a pre-buit replicated website (or you can set up your own domain name and hosting if you wish), plenty of training and support, plus all the tools you will need to be successful at online marketing. But you do have to get off your duff (not to be rude) if you want to make some money with these businesses. They are not going to drive themselves down the information superhighway making money for you as you sit idly by drinking beer. By the way, don't drink and drive. The good news is, it's not that difficult to make some money with these systems. If you can follow directions and have just a minute amount of imagination, common sense, and good old work ethic, both IPC and IPC Instant Cash do make money online. I was a newbie to online marketing when I started, still am for the most part, and I'm doing ok. Uh oh, I hear my wife calling. We have a dinner date tonight, gotta go. Look me up if you decide to follow through with either of these programs. I might be able to help you out. My website links should be around here somewhere. My contact info is listed on those sites... Later!
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Ken Stephens is a retired truck driver living in Nova Scotia, Canada with his wife Annabelle and their little dog Cassie. He has started 2 successful Internet businesses. Ken invites anybody wanting to jump start their online income to contact him. He is a "hands on" mentor and will be happy to lend his experience. Email him at: or visit his IPC Instant Cash website listed below.
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